The Blarged Blog

Saturday, March 24, 2007

A New Look.... and pigs

Hey All -
Happy Saturday to you too! There really isn't anything quite as nice compared to waking up just before noon on a sunny spring Saturday with the knowledge that you have nothing to do all day. Well, unfortunately for me, I do have something to do today, I have to clean the bathroom... Let's just put that off for later.
So, as I am sure you have noticed, the blog has gotten a face lift. I wanted to try something a little different, a little lighter really. I'm not sure I like the header though. I might need to get something new for up there, suggestions always welcome by the way.
The game of Risk last night was a total failure on my part. 'What did you do this weekend? I lost the world...' It's true. We played mission, and my mission was to take over Asia and Africa. Those there are some pretty big continents, when others just have to eliminate a certain color player. Oh well, you win some, and if you're me, you lose lots! It was a good time though, hanging out, having a few drinks. Take note, those frozen margarita buckets that you just add 750ml Tequila to, those are quire tasty.

So for those that haven't seen my pictures page on my site, I wanted to share part of my family, well, my school family, my roommates, the prettier ones... yes, the pigs. Here's a few... King Arthur (mostly referred to as just Arthur) is black and white, while Charles is in the brown and white. They are becoming friendlier and more sociable every day... enjoy.

That's all for now folks, enjoy the weekend!

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