The Blarged Blog

Monday, September 10, 2007

Boys and their toys :-)

Big news from the geeky side of my life this weekend… I bought an iPhone!

Last Friday, I went to the Apple store after work with the mindset of buying an iPod. I have never had an mp3 player before and with my extensive music selection and love for a great tune, it was about time. I went into the store and played around with all the different iPods and iPhones for nearly an hour. I finally decided on getting the new iPod Classic, 80-gig for $250. I checked out and took it to the car. I sat in the car for a moment with the box still airtight in its plastic wrap. I'll leave it in the box for now I decided. I then drove the rest of the way home. When I got back to the house, I just couldn't shake the gnawing thoughts of having just spent so much money on something that just plays music and videos... it just didn't feel right. After being home for about 10 minutes I decided that I had made the wrong choice and wanted something a little different.

Back at the Apple store 30 minutes later (and rejoicing for the just recent $200 drop in the iPhone prices) I exchanged my 80-gig iPod Classic for an 8-gig iPhone. First I was going to get the 4-gig, but after a quick discussion, decided that for me, the 8-gig would probably be best. Sure it cost a bit more, but it is amazing. I am thinking of it as a much better investment. After spending the entire weekend playing with it... I have not been disappointed.

So enough personal narration... let me give my little initial review.

I have now had the iPhone for two full days, and am loving it! Here are a few things I would like to mention.

Sleek All-metal design:
To say this thing is pretty is an insult. To say this thing is sexy doesn't even come close. I need a new word to combine, sleek/pretty/sexy/dazzling! The design is seamless and fits perfectly into my hands and pocket. The all-metal design helps ease my fears of scratching and the sorts

Quick response:
I was using a Cingular 8125 before, and was crying every time I wanted to do anything. It was slower than molasses in the winter time. Sometimes the touch screen wouldn't respond right away and I would just want to throw it on the ground. Not a daily attitude that should be kept. I love the iPhone's quick response to my touch. The quality of the touch is very nice as well. I barely have to touch the screen for it to register. I don't know if it is pressure sensitive or how it is working, but kudos to Apple.

UI and applications:
Everything apple is always so pretty. The user interface isn't an exception. The screens are sleek with rounded icons and friendly colors. Initially the iPhone comes with the following applications:
- Text (SMS)
- Caldendar
- Photos
- Camera
- YouTube
- Stocks
- Maps
- Weather
- Clock
- Calculator
- Notes
- Settings
- Phone
- Mail
- Safari
- iPod
I have played with all of these features extensively and am very impressed. They all run smoothly and seem to be personally catered to my methods of use.

The 2 mega-pixel camera is amazing and the display is even better.

I only have one moan and groan so far... there is no LED status... When I have the screen turned off and just lying on my desk, it looks like the phone is completely turned off. I would really like a green/red LED on one of the surfaces to let me know if I have a new message. If I leave the room and come back, I have to turn the screen completely on just to see if I have any notifications. But that's really all I have found wrong so far.

I was able to apply the hack to the iPhone allowing me to install lots of other fun applications. Of the applications available, only the games have really proven worthwhile so far in my book, but there is potential.

My overall thoughts?
I love it. It is a sleek and fast phone that has won my heart. This phone is definitely meant for pleasure though. If I were using my phone for business a lot I would probably have stuck with the Windows CE platform with a keyboard. One application that I would like to see on the iPhone is the option of a home screen that displays information. I want to be able to go to one screen that shows me upcoming events on my calendar and any notifications that I have. Currently all these applications are separate and to check them all I have to open them all. But in the overall quality of things, it isn't that big of a deal.

The iPhone is officially my first Apple product ever owned. I am not disappointed and look forward to further purchases.

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